11 Health Benefits of Cheese

We all know that cheese is delicious and has many health benefits. Just one serving of cheese a day can provide us with the dairy intake we need to be healthy.

Cheese is an important element in a complete and balanced diet. To prepare it, the water is removed from the milkThe cheese is the perfect concentrate and contains its main components such as proteins, vitamins, mineral salts and easily digestible fatty matterbut… What are the benefits of cheese for health?

Sheep cheese has many benefits
Sheep cheese has many benefits
  • Cheese contains all the amino acids necessary for our body to function properly.
  • Cheese is one of the main sources of calcium, a mineral essential for the health of bones and teeth, and the absorption of calcium is favored by the protein contained in cheese.
  • We have already said that cheese is beneficial for bones because of its high calcium content, but cheese consumption also has a positive effect in the fight against osteoporosis and other bone diseases.
  • Cheese not only strengthens our teeth thanks to the large amount of calcium it contains, it also reduces bacterial plaque, stimulates saliva production and keeps our mouth clean in a natural way.
  • Cheese contains a large amount of folic acid, making it an essential food during pregnancy.
  • Cheese also promotes the production of breast milk in pregnant women.
  • Cheese helps us to strengthen our immune system, thus increasing our defenses against diseases.
  • The high vitamin B content of
    makes our skin look better.
  • Cheese reduces the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
  • Cheese is a great source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which is related to the prevention of certain types of cancers such as colon cancer.
  • Cheese is very rich in protein, so it helps to build and recover body mass, which makes it a perfect food for athletes or people who want to gain weight in a healthy way.
benefits of cheese
“Fuentesaúco fleece”.

However, we cannot lose sight of the fact that not all cheeses are the same, for example, the hard cheeses, as is the case with Vellón de Fuentasauco, are richer in calcium and phosphorus, while the varieties with fattier cheeses such as Creamy Cheese, have more quantity of vitamin A, and the soft cheeses such as Tierno, are a perfect source of B vitamins.

Don’t you think that’s reason enough to eat cheese? Eat cheese and stay healthy!



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