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Benefits of sheep’s milk for our health

Have you ever tasted sheep’s milk ? If you are one of those who have never considered trying it, you will surely change your mind when you learn about the benefits sheep’s milk brings to our health.

Milk consumption

Currently, 81% of the milk consumed worldwide is cow’s milk, as is the case in our country. Most of the liquid milk consumed is cow’s milk.

If we look at other types of milk, such as sheep’s milk, consumption is very low, why is this happening?

  1. The main reason is that most of this milk is consumed in the form of cheese. cheese . In Spain, we have a wide variety of sheep’s cheese sheep cheese which facilitates its consumption.
  2. Another reason is the lack of knowledge among end consumers of the great benefits of sheep’s milk and/or the lack of tradition of drinking it in liquid form.
Benefits of sheep's milk
Sheep in the field

Other countries such as France, Italy and Greece have a long tradition of consuming products made from this type of milk, not only cheeses, but also other dairy products such as yogurts and ricotta (cottage cheese).

Health benefits of sheep’s milk

It is important to know its characteristics and thus to know the main advantages for our health:

  • It is more digestive than cow’s milk. Sheep’s and goat’s milk are more digestible due to their high triglyceride content, which provides a higher energy value than cow’s milk.
  • It has more nutrients and 80% more calcium than cow’s and goat’s milk. It also contains twice as much fat, although lower in saturated fatty acids.
  • It has less cholesterol than other milks.
  • It is very rich in iron, so it is perfect for people with anemia problems.
  • High in vitamin A and C. Vitamin A is essential for strengthening hair and vitamin C strengthens our immune system against infections and bacteria.
  • Sheep’s milk also fights free radicals in food thanks to its vitamin E content, thus helping to prevent cancer.
  • It has anti-inflammatory action.
  • Improves blood flow. Containing vitamin B and K, it generates new red blood cells in the blood.

In order for sheep’s milk to be of the highest quality and to provide us with a greater number of nutrients, it is essential to feed the sheep. The more roughage they consume in their daily diet, the higher the proportion of health-promoting fatty acids in the milk.

ovejas prado
Flock of sheep grazing in the open air

Have we convinced you? We have to admit that it has a stronger taste than cow’s milk, but once you get used to it, it is worth it for its great contribution of benefits for our health and, therefore, it is a great choice.

Little by little we are becoming more aware and it is easier to find it fresh in hypermarkets, sogo ahead and try it!



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