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Advantages of Sheep Milk for health.

Milk consumption allows us a greater immunological reinforcement. Researchers are working on the development of new products derived from sheep. They claim that they can also provide nutritional benefits for people, as they have twice the fat and protein of cow’s milk. To promote the activity, the researchers recommend the creation of small family farms. Milk consumption allows us a greater immunological reinforcement. France, Italy, Greece and other countries have a long tradition of sheep’s milk products and a high consumption of cheeses and other sheep products, such as yogurt and ricotta, which also have anti-carcinogenic properties and lower cholesterol. Improving sheep feeding generates healthier feed Improving sheep feeding generates healthier food.

The potential exists, say researchers from the Sheep Production Study and Work Group of the School of Agronomy, who for some time have been working on improving sheep nutrition to generate nutraceutical foods (healthier for human consumption) and in the development of new dairy products derived from these small ruminants

The farms have a very large pastoral component. Although more concentrates are used today, the inclusion of forage in animal diets generates great advantages, because it reduces the cost of production and, at the same time, improves milk quality. In this sense, it is worth highlighting the beneficial properties of milk and its derivatives in a healthy diet, since they are the main source of calcium and vitamins A, B, and D, in addition to the properties of yogurt as a probiotic food, that is to say that provides beneficial bacteria to the intestinal flora.

The more forage is included in the animals’ diet, the higher the proportion of fatty acids in the final dairy product that are beneficial to human health, such as lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk of cancer.

Forage provides milk with a higher proportion of healthy fatty acids. Forage provides milk with a higher proportion of healthy fatty acids. Sheep’s milk has advantageous characteristics for the production of cheese, yogurt and other products and, at the same time, provides nutritional benefits for people, since it has twice the fat and protein content of cow’s milk. With a very small consumption a beneficial quota of fatty acids is covered, similar to consuming two eggs per week. Real Roquefort cheese is made from sheep’s milk and has a French appellation of origin. Also feta, from the Greeks, and pecorino, from the Italians: “You can find sheep cheeses in every little valley in Europe”. Rodolfo Zibell Undersecretary of Institutional Relations University of Buenos Aires



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