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Characteristics of Sheep Milk

leche de oveja 1 Sheep’s milk is characterized by:

  • Have a higher nutritional contribution, since it is richer in protein and fat content than cow’s milk.
  • Sheep’s milk is a source of vitamins, trace elements and macrominerals, being rich in iron, zinc, copper, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, manganese, manganese and zinc.
  • It is more digestive than cow’s milk.

Currently, the system for obtaining milk is based on milking machines, due to the fact that, thanks to the automation of the system, it is possible to obtain milk from the milking machines. milk with a very high microbiological quality has been obtained.This is because contact between the milk and possible contaminated surfaces is avoided at all times. Raw sheep’s milk has not undergone any heat treatment that could modify the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of the product, changes that are very noticeable when making other dairy products. With pasteurization, what we achieve is to eliminate possible pathogenic microorganisms that the milk may contain, inactivate the milk enzymes, which prevents a rapid degradation of the milk acids to other more odorous substances. Due to pasteurization, milk undergoes a series of changes in its composition, such as the loss of vitamins or the denaturation of the milk’s own proteins, caused by the high temperature of the process. This causes the sensory characteristics of the product to vary, making a significant difference between raw sheep’s milk and pasteurized milk. Raw sheep’s milk will always stand out for having a more unique and intense flavor. All this, in addition to other factors, means that the subsequent transformation of raw sheep’s milk into other dairy products, such as cheese, is very difficult to achieve. a much more varied range of flavors and smells which is marked by the use of live raw materials in their natural state. sheep weathervane view



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