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Guide for cheese addicts

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying
“you’re like a cheese”, right?
haven’t you? That means that we see cheese as something good, something desirable, something that drives us crazy…. In short
“We are addicted to cheese”.

But… What do we know about him?

1. It sounds incredible, but more cheese is produced in the world than tea, coffee, tobacco and cocoa combined.

2. In the world the most cheese makers are…. theGreeks! About 25 kg per person.


3. To produce 1 kg of cow’s cheese we need about 10 liters of milk; for 1 kg of goat’s cheese about 8 liters and for 1 kg of sheep’s cheese the quantity drops to 6 liters.

4. There are studies that claim that cheese is good for your teeth as it increases dental PH and prevents cavities.

5. This fact is going to surprise you… Did you know that some people are called “Cheese”? Yes, it is! In 2013 in the USA there was a 450% increase in the number of children who were baptized with the name “Cheese”.

6. Can you imagine a pizza without cheese? We are not and we are not the only ones, we have found a scientific study that looks at which cheese is better for pizza. And they found it! Obviously the mozzarella wins for its melting, elasticity and browning.

Portion of pizza with mozzarella
Portion of pizza with mozzarella

7. There is a magazine dedicated exclusively to cheese, Culture, The word on cheese and it is published in the USA.

8. It is estimated that the origin of cheese dates back to the year 6000 B.C., what we do know is that its origin is in the fermentation of milk from grazing sheep.

9. Did you know that cheese is already mentioned in the Bible? Did Job “did you not pour me out like milk, and curdle me like cheese?” We hope he had as much patience as they say…

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10. Surely you have been told “don’t let them give it to you with cheese“. Well, this expression comes from the region of La Mancha, where wine producers “camouflaged” the palate of buyers with a good cheese to better sell their wine.

11. The oldest Appellation of Origin dates back to 1666, and this privilege went to Roquefort cheese. Do you know how this cheese was born? A shepherd left his piece of cheese behind when he went out after a beautiful girl, not knowing if he succeeded in his conquest or not, when he returned to the cheese it had grown moldy green spots and as he was hungry, he ate it!

Roquefort cheese
Roquefort cheese

12. Cheese consumption has increased the most in recent decades in the USA, tripling. The bad news is that much of that cheese is processed, very high in salt and used in fast food.

13. How much would you be willing to pay for a cheese? Because the most expensive cheese in the world is priced at 1,000 € per kilo. It is El Pule, made with donkey milk.

14. To pair well cheese and wine you don’t have to be a great expert, stick to white wine for soft and creamy cheeses and a red wine for stronger and matured cheeses.

15. In order to appreciate all the nuances of the cheese, take it out of the refrigerator half an hour before consuming it, and it is preferable to store it in a tupper rather than wrapped, since cheese also needs to breathe.


In addition to these 15 curiosities, I’m sure that more than once you’ve wondered why you could eat cheese non-stop, haven’t you? Well, the answer is simple… Cheese is addictive! It contains casein, a group of proteins that, when digested, release casomorphin, which has effects very similar to opioids.

That’s why you and your cheese addiction are inseparable 😉

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