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Lactose-free cheese, it’s real cheese

Sometimes, you take a series of steps trying to get to one place, and when you finish you realize that it has taken you to a completely different one. In this way, we arrive at lactose-free cheese.

A few years ago, this type of products were not so well known, they hardly existed. To be honest, we didn’t plan on making lactose-free cheese at all, but… life took us there.

The direction of our travels was clear,
We wanted to sell our sheep cheese there. Travel,
show cooking, show cooking, meetings, a lot of actions to make you fall in love with a market that is so… cold!

Our adventures in Russia
Our adventures in Russia

It was not an easy task, but there is no one who can resist the Spanishculture . Once conquered, we started with what really mattered to us: what do we have to do to sell our cheeses here?

There were several things we needed to export our cheeses, one of them, can you imagine what it was? The cheese had to be lactose free, at first we thought, so many trips so much work and we don’t have this cheese.

What’s more, we thought that it wasn’t real cheese, that it didn’t taste like anything. To our surprise, after several tests, we realized that it was a super-cheese, that if they didn’t tell you if it had lactose, we wouldn’t know how to tell them apart. And it is that the tastearoma and texture are practically the same.

Lactose-free soft cheese
Lactose-free soft cheese

Achieved! We already had the perfect cheese to sell in Russia, what a nice story isn’t it? Well, once again, it didn’t end up there. Borders were closed for some Spanish products, one of them being cheese.

So much work and now we could only wait… today, the borders are still closed, but that dream became a reality in our country.

A new market, people who are lactose intolerant and in love with cheese, demanded this product. Every day, the number of people with this intolerance increases.

Lactose-free cheese range
Lactose-free cheese range

The destination was clear to us, Russia, the road, we were looking for what it was. But as we said at the beginning, life’s twists and turns led us to the place where we were.

We thought our lactose-free cheese would be sold in Russia, and it turns out that we are selling it in every corner of Spain. And we can only repeat that lactose-free cheese is real cheese!



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