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Special recognition Bombeiros de Portugal

They say that the richest are not those who have the most, but those who need the least. I’m sure you’ve heard it a lot of times, but the truth is that they’re right.

When we set out to organize the
V Congreso Cocina con Queso y Humor
The meetings, the collaborators, sponsors and award winners, it was the moment when we realized that we had to do something for others.

Special Recognition Bombeiros de Portugal2
Ramos Carrión Theater

Without a moment’s thought, those men who selflessly work in Portugal to save the lives of others came to mind. They are the Bombeiros de Portugal.

It is very interesting when you talk to people, because the vast majority do not know that, in the neighboring country, this job is voluntary. There are men and women who selflessly work day and night, stand guard and do not spend time with their families to ensure the safety of others.

Surely we all remember the fires that ravaged part of Galicia and Portugal last summer, and there they were. Many people had to be evacuated and there were days and days of fighting the flames, which gave no respite.

What could we do to recognize their effort? From Gestión Agro Ganadera we wanted them to be exceptional guests in this V Congreso Cocina con Queso y Humor, since, on the other hand, our guest country, in this edition, was Portugal.

But we wanted them to have something that would make their job easier, so that once fires started, they could be put out as soon as possible. That is why we decided to donate a 30,000-liter cistern, which was collected by representatives of the Seia volunteer firemen.

Special recognition Bombeiros de Portugal
Donation of a cistern

During the Congress we were able to see how they work and deal with fires, which sometimes natural, and most of the time provoked, give us goose bumps. We met them, put a face to them and enjoyed their experiences and company.

Now, some time after the congress, we can only think that a part of Gestión Agroganadera and Quesería La Antigua is with the Bombeiros de Portugal. Undoubtedly a work, which, although voluntary, deserves great recognition.



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