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11 Health Benefits of Cheese

We all know that cheese is delicious and has many health benefits. Just one serving of cheese a day can provide us with the dairy intake we need to be healthy.

ANUGA 2023. Come and travel with La Antigua.

We are excited to share with you our participation in the world’s largest food and beverage trade fair: Anuga, which takes place in Cologne, Germany, from October 7 to 11, 2023.

The swelling of cheeses

Lactic fermentation is a fundamental part of cheese making. Sometimes, however, it can produce abnormal fermentations, resulting in defective cheeses. The term abnormal fermentation refers to those undesirable, undesirable fermentations that cause alterations in the cheese and are common to almost all varieties. Generally, these fermentations are major gas producers and cause cheese swellings.

A very promising present: Cheese tourism

Today it is time to talk about the present, without forgetting the past and always looking to the future. And the present is Quesoturismo. To talk about cheese is, in La Antigua‘s family, to talk aboutTo speak of feeling, of emotion, of sitting at a round table with skirts, in the warmth of the fire […]

V Congress, what we expect from it!

The day has arrived, today at 20:30 we celebrate the V Congreso Cocina Con Queso y Humor, what a great moment! From the first moment we put our right foot on the ground (yes, we are a bit superstitious about these things) we have felt like the bride or groom walking down the aisle; like […]

II International Congress on Cooking with Cheese and… Humor

Cocina con queso La Antigua

Last year we celebrated our First Cheese Cooking Congress, and after evaluating the experience and feeling the satisfaction of all attendees this year we could not stay behind. For this edition we wanted to do something different but, like last year, we wanted to keep our main objective of promoting the role of sheep cheese […]

11 Health Benefits of Cheese

We all know that cheese is delicious and has many health benefits. Just one serving of cheese a day can provide us with the dairy intake we need to be healthy. Cheese is an important element in a complete and balanced diet. To prepare it, the water is removed from the milkThe cheese is the […]

V Congreso Cocina con Queso y Humor, are you coming?

Every time we start to organize an event, there are millions of sensations that go through us from the first day. The same is happening with the V Congreso Cocina con Queso y Humor. There are already four congresses and, as you can imagine, there are many moments that we cannot forget. But sometimes we […]

What is La Antigua Educa?

You have heard us talk about La Antigua Educa, this workshop that is so special for us, but little have we talked about how it came about or how we did it. Are we traveling back in time? When we decided to get into the world of cheese production cheese making we had no idea […]

How to preserve and serve cheese

On many occasions we have talked about how to preserve cheese, what is the best way to prevent mold, or what is the trick of the almond trick to keep it longer. A cheese can taste better or worse, but in order to appreciate all its flavor and qualities, we must take into account that […]

Variety of Cheeses

Variedad de Queso

Throughout the Spanish geography, there are numerous types of cow, goat, sheep and mixed cheeses. Some regions are well known for their cheeses, as is the case of Manchego cheese. Denomination of Originand many others that lack it, all of which are part of our Mediterranean diet. They can be fresh, cured, pressed or unpressed, […]


Unlike other products, there is no single way of cuttingcheese, as the anatomy shows great diversity. The different cuts are determined by the texture, which will make us recommend the use of one tool or another, by the shape of the cheese and by its flavor. Depending on the shape and size, diners should have […]