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Why sheep’s milk is healthier

Sheep’s milk is healthier because it contains approximately twice (and in some cases more than twice) the benefits of other milks(cow and goat), is easier to digest and is milder than goat’s milk. People who develop intolerances say sheep’s milk gives them the least (or no) digestive problems. Due to its high calcium content, it […]

Benefits of sheep’s milk for our health

beneficios de la leche de oveja

Have you ever tasted sheep’s milk ? If you are one of those who have never considered trying it, you will surely change your mind when you learn about the benefits sheep’s milk brings to our health. Milk consumption Currently, 81% of the milk consumed worldwide is cow’s milk, as is the case in our […]

How is cheese made?

We know, any cheese lover sees a cheese and immediately has a crazy desire to eat it. But as you know, it doesn’t suddenly arrive on our plates. There is a great elaboration process behind it, from the milking of the milk to the transformation into cheese over time. It is a process that is […]

Dictionary for cheese lovers.

You love cheese, have tasted many varieties or attended a tasting or two. But you still miss some of the most used words or terms in the world of 0, so we bring you this Dictionary for cheese lovers. Some will sound strange to you and others you’ve probably heard more than once. Still, it […]

What kind of cheese is realfooding ?

A few years ago, there would have been no need for this movement, realfooding, because they ate what they grew in the field. Fresh and seasonal products. So modern that we have believed we have to learn to eat again, reading books, understanding food labels, such as cheese labels, which ones are for realfooders? Carlos […]

How to differentiate between different types of cheese

The cheese is the king of the dairy products, full of highly beneficial properties for our health and with thousands of varieties to choose from, but how can we differentiate them? There are many types of cheese all over the world and they are differentiated by the origin of the milk, the elaboration process and […]