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The Antigua Congress that boosts cheese.

Hello, cheese lovers! Here we are, thinking about everything we experienced yesterday at the “VII Congreso Cocina con Queso y Humor” that took place at the Palacio de Congresos in Salamanca.

COOKS WITH HISTORY: innovation and tradition

In the heart of Castilla y León, land of tradition and gastronomy, we bring together chefs who have been able to honor their culinary roots while injecting innovation and passion into each dish. Today, we want to take you to meet five exceptional chefs who stand out not only for their skill in the kitchen, […]

Cincho awards have a La Antigua flavor

After consolidating its position as one of the most important national events in the dairy sector and one of the most prestigious at international level, La Antigua Cheese Factory has obtained a Silver Cincho Award at Aged Cheese raw sheep’s milk, an award that certifies the quality of the quality of this cheese and rewards […]

Can the cheese rind be eaten?

There are many occasions in which we have been asked or have been part of a conversation in which the point of discussion was based on: Is the rind of the cheese eaten, yes or no?

A very promising present: Cheese tourism

Today it is time to talk about the present, without forgetting the past and always looking to the future. And the present is Quesoturismo. To talk about cheese is, in La Antigua‘s family, to talk aboutTo speak of feeling, of emotion, of sitting at a round table with skirts, in the warmth of the fire […]

The origin of sheep cheese

If there is something we like in Spain it is eating cheese It doesn’t matter at what time of the day, and with what we eat it, because we always feel like indulging ourselves. But do we really know when cheese appeared in the human diet?

20 years Contigo: This is our present

Looking back, one is amazed at how quickly time passes. 20 years is nothing, Grandma Claudia would say. A multitude of stories, experiences and moments that remain engraved in the retina have passed through his eyes. Our past generations lived life, they did just that, they lived life. Now we suffer when our cell phone […]

20Contigo: “I have been with the company for 25 years now”.

In the year of our twentieth anniversary, we wanted to know from our most veteran colleagues how they remember their arrival at La Antigua. Today our protagonist in this space of 20Contigo is Silvia López, administrative in Gestión Agro Ganadera . Silvia is, together with Zaca and Felipe, the “veteran” of the company, so much […]

Milking sheep

El ordeño de las ovejas

We all remember the old shepherds, who milked their sheep by hand, starting with the first one until they had finished with the flock and without delaying too long, to then make the cheese . Those ancient shepherds milked their sheep twice a day to obtain a greater number of liters. This recognizable hand movement […]

How to taste a cheese?

A month full of dinners, meals with friends, family, co-workers is approaching. Maybe you are the host at one of them, that’s why we tell you how to taste a cheese. Because we are sure that your table will not lack a good cheese board. cheese board . Or are we wrong? Would you know […]

By-products at Quesería La Antigua

Subproductos de Quesería La Antigua

During the process of elaboration and daily work, the following are generated in the facilities of Queseria La Antigua different by-products. A by-product is the residue of a process that can be put to a second use. It is not a waste because it is not disposed of, and is used for a different process. […]

Cheese Accompaniment

Acompañamiento al queso

In the same way that we all know that there are wines that pair perfectly with certain cheeses, we all know that there are wines that pair perfectly with certain cheeses and certain foods, offers a delicious experience on the palate of those who taste it. And although it is true that the combination of […]

II International Congress on Cooking with Cheese and… Humor

Cocina con queso La Antigua

Last year we celebrated our First Cheese Cooking Congress, and after evaluating the experience and feeling the satisfaction of all attendees this year we could not stay behind. For this edition we wanted to do something different but, like last year, we wanted to keep our main objective of promoting the role of sheep cheese […]

Alimentaria 2018: Exhibitors

April 16 starting day Alimentaria 2018 We are already preparing everything and two months are flying by. Surely you are also finalizing details, and those of you who are going to visit will be looking for information, do you want to know which are the Exhibitors of this edition? Four days of fair, where time […]

What kind of cheese is realfooding ?

A few years ago, there would have been no need for this movement, realfooding, because they ate what they grew in the field. Fresh and seasonal products. So modern that we have believed we have to learn to eat again, reading books, understanding food labels, such as cheese labels, which ones are for realfooders? Carlos […]

Alimentaria 2020: getting there and getting accredited

There are four months left for Alimentaria 2020, we still remember the last day of Alimentaria 2018, as we left the venue we saw the date of the next edition and we burst out laughing. And today, we are already talking about how to get there and accreditation. Two years left! That date is engraved […]